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How do I use the Epic Cineshot?

Your ANAFI series drone features a series of automated shots, which enable you to capture scenes professionally.

Make sure you have selected the video settings you require and tap “CINESHOTS” in the bottom bar of the HUD to access Cineshots. Tap a Cineshot to select it. For each, two options appear. Your ANAFI series drone films all your Cineshots automatically – provided you have free space on your microSD card.


The Epic Cineshot offers another great way to dramatize any scene or location.

When it is activated, your ANAFI series drone moves away backward in a smooth ascending line, keeping its subject in the center of its frame for 30 or 60 meters. The Epic Cineshot gives best results when your ANAFI series drone starts from a close-up position, relative to its subject.


Before you activate the Epic Cineshot, check the area behind your ANAFI series drone is clear from obstacles, and safe.

Tap “30m” (small-arrow icon) or “60m” (large-arrow icon) to select the range of your Epic shot, and activate it. After a countdown on the HUD, your ANAFI series drone starts moving backward and upward. An animation flashes on the screen of your device, and the “Epic” box progressively fills with green as the Cineshot unfolds.


Activate and monitor all Cineshots with care: always check your automated shot flight plan is clear from obstacles and safe, always retain visual contact with your drone, and always be ready to reclaim control of your drone: any action on any stick of Parrot Skycontroller 3 immediately terminates the current Cineshot.