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About the company

Parrot is a leading drone manufacturer


Innovation is in our DNA.

Our mission is to move the industry forward with new standards for professional drones at work.


We at Parrot believe that “pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” 
- Aristotle.


With our professional drones, we provide best-in-class technology for inspection, first responders, firefighters, search-and-rescue teams, security agencies and surveying professionals.

With our new professional drone ANAFI Ai, we introduced to professionals the first 4G UAV.


4G is a game changer for the drone industry


It ensures robust connectivity between the controller and the drone.

Our 4G drone users don't encounter any interference issues anymore.


Thanks to the 4G connection, there is no range limit and it allows precise control at any distance.  The drone stays connected even behind obstacles.


The drone is connected to internet. 4G also allows in-flight files transfer.
Therefore the great intelligence of ANAFI Ai can be easily moved to the cloud.


Parrot is an open company


We provide an open Software Development Kit to the developers’ community.

It facilitates the implementation of tailored end-to-end solutions for professionals from all different areas.


For the first time in the industry, we made our main piloting application FreeFlight 7 open-source.

And our powerful community creates new drone applications every day.


Today, Parrot has the largest partner ecosystem for professional drones: from enterprise drone platforms, flight logs services (DroneLogbook, Airdata), public safety programs (DroneSense) and advanced mission planning (Drone Harmony, UgCS), to media and data cloud platforms (Survae), real time geospatial situational awareness (Rapid Imaging, Textron Systems), surveying and mapping (PIX4D).


Parrot also provides complete documentation about each product.

Professionals can find precise technical answers on the drone’s specifications.


Trusted Drones


Drone cybersecurity is extremely important to us. 


Parrot’s newest products embed a Secure Element which is NIST FIPS140-2 Level 3 compliant and Common Criteria EAL5+ certified.


Parrot is also compliant with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


No data is shared by default without the user’s express consent.

Users can delete all data in only one click, easily maintaining control over what is stored.