Open Flight
The core of FreeFlight 7 open-source
For the first time in the drone industry, we are open-sourcing our ground control station app. OpenFlight is the open-source core of our famous FreeFlight 7 app for ANAFI Ai. As a developer, you can focus on adding your features and immediately get a professional-looking app on iOS.
Run your code on ANAFI Ai
Air SDK is a development software kit for autonomous drones. It allows you to create your own flight missions. It provides a breakthrough technological architecture to load and run code directly on ANAFI Ai. Developers can program custom-designed flight missions with access to all drone sensors, connectivity interfaces, and autopilot features.
3D photorealistic drone simulation tool
Parrot Sphinx is a state-of-the-art drone simulation tool for Parrot drones. Parrot Sphinx relies on cutting-edge and industry-standard components (Gazebo and Unreal Engine) for photorealistic render and accurate simulation.
The full software development kit
Parrot also provides an SDK to develop your own mobile App, a Python Controller Programming Interface and an advanced Media Player.
Our drones are compatible with MAVLink and GUTMA.
Developer Forum
Our open-source development platform is made to fit any business need. Get direct access to Parrot engineers and ask your question in a private partner section. Welcome to a community of passionate drone developers.
C.A.D. Modeling
We make available 3D models of our drones and controllers. You can integrate them into your C.A.D. project for rapid prototyping and accessories integration.

Open-Source Software Development Kit
Open Flight, the mobile SDK and the python controller programming interface are open source and published under BSD-3 license. The code and lots of other tools are available on GitHub.

Respect Privacy
There are no requirements to access our SDK or developer forum. You can use it for free and without any registration.

Standard Protocols
We use standard protocols whenever possible. That is why our drones are compatible with so many platforms.

Partner Program
We offer a business partner program to work closely with our R&D, marketing, and sales team.