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Parrot actively promotes open-source for development.

Developers can freely use our SDK to develop their own applications and embed their own code on the drone.

Open Flight

The core of FreeFlight 7 open-source

​For the first time in the drone industry, we are open-sourcing our ground control station app. OpenFlight is the open-source core of our famous FreeFlight 7 app for ANAFI Ai. As a developer, you can focus on adding your features and immediately get a professional-looking app on iOS.​


Run your code on ANAFI Ai​

Air SDK is a development software kit for autonomous drones. It allows you to create your own flight missions. It provides a breakthrough technological architecture to load and run code directly on ANAFI Ai. Developers can program custom-designed flight missions with access to all drone sensors, connectivity interfaces, and autopilot features.​​


3D photorealistic drone simulation tool

​Parrot Sphinx is a state-of-the-art drone simulation tool for Parrot drones. Parrot Sphinx relies on cutting-edge and industry-standard components (Gazebo and Unreal Engine) for photorealistic render and accurate simulation.​​

The full software development kit​

Parrot also provides an SDK to develop your own mobile App, a Python Controller Programming Interface and an advanced Media Player.​
Our drones are compatible with MAVLink and GUTMA.​

Developer Forum​​

Our open-source development platform is made to fit any business need. Get direct access to Parrot engineers and ask your question in a private partner section. Welcome to a community of passionate drone developers.​​

C.A.D. Modeling

We make available 3D models of our drones and controllers. You can integrate them into your C.A.D. project for rapid prototyping and accessories integration.​​


Open-Source​ Software Development Kit

Open Flight, the mobile SDK and the python controller programming interface are open source and published under BSD-3 license. The code and lots of other tools are available on GitHub.​​


Respect Privacy

There are no requirements to access our SDK or developer forum. You can use it for free and without any registration.​​


Standard Protocols

We use standard protocols whenever possible. That is why our drones are compatible with so many platforms.


Partner Program​

We offer a business partner program to work closely with our R&D, marketing, and sales team.​