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Parrot Drones Trusted & Proven Globally

Parrot professional drones are used and trusted globally by the world’s most demanding Organizations.

The FBI, the NCIS, the US ARMY, and the British Army have decided to use Parrot drones.

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Drones of the Free-World

Parrot ANAFI Ai and Parrot ANAFI USA drones are designed in Europe. Parrot respects the European Union’s transparency rules and is an independent company. Only user’s needs are served.


Parrot is actively involved in the software open-source movement. It is a response to the limitations of propriety code.


Developers can use our SDK to develop third party applications and embed their own code on the drone. This enables users to have full control over the drone and the data collected by the drone.

Privacy by Design

Parrot ANAFI Ai and Parrot ANAFI USA drones natively take off anywhere. The drones’ flight logs (eg. flight location and flight date) are part of the sensitive data collected by the drones. Parrot’s privacy features and policies are fully compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You can choose not to share any data, to store your data locally, or to store your data on Parrot’s GDPR compliant servers based in Europe.

With only 1-click, we delete all your data.

Our software has no obfuscated or hidden features. We strongly believe in full transparency. 
Our approach is detailed in the Parrot Privacy Policy.

Drone cybersecurity by design

Secure Element

Parrot integrates WISeKey’s Secure Elements as an industry first to avoid cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Our drones’ Secure Elements are FIPS140-2 compliant and CC EAL5+ certified.

Secure Elements protect the drone’s digital identity, prevent firmware and data compromises, and guarantee secure connections between the controller and the drone – from both sides.


On Parrot ANAFI Ai, the Secure Elements secure 4G pairing between drone and controller and ensures strong authentication. They protect Parrot ANAFI Ai from hackers and cyber-attacks. Only you can control your Parrot ANAFI Ai.


Data encryption

ANAFI USA encrypts all photos and videos stored on its SD card, using an AES-XTS algorithm with a 512-bit key length. Once encrypted, data can only be read with an encryption key. This ensures sensitive data cannot be accessed if your drone falls into the wrong hands.

Open standards and protocols

Parrot ANAFI Ai and Parrot ANAFI USA use the secure WPA2 certification to authenticate and encrypt all Wi-Fi communications. Parrot uses open protocols such as RTP/RTSP, H.264 and Gutma to ensure the interoperability of all recorded data.

A drone Made in USA

The ANAFI USA drone is manufactured in Massachusetts in the United States. ANAFI USA is NDAA & TAA compliant and is part of the DIU’s Blue sUAS Program.

In addition, the supply chain underlies a strict control: Parrot choses ANAFI USA’s components based on trusted manufacturers and their country of origin.


Independently Tested. Independently Validated.

Code Audit 

Parrot gives access to all the software code for independent audits.

The FreeFlight 6 app has been independently and thoroughly tested for privacy and security vulnerabilities by security consultants Bishop Fox, one of the most recognized private offensive-security professional services company.

Bishop Fox’s extensive assessments of the FreeFlight 6 mobile applications and API web services showed that the app delivers, on Parrot’s promise, exceptional data security, protection and transparency: no obfuscation, no hidden functionality, no forced updates, no suspicious activity, and no behaviors or functions that would be in conflict with Parrot’s strict data privacy policy.

See the full Bishop Fox assessment of FreeFlight 6 security and privacy features here.


Bug Bounty 

In April 2021, Parrot has launched a “Bug Bounty” program together with YesWeHack, the first European crowdsourced security platform. Through this partnership, Parrot benefits from YesWeHack's vast community of cybersecurity researchers to identify potential vulnerabilities in its drones, mobile applications and Webservices.

The Bug Bounty program takes place in two phases: 

The private programs initially give exclusive access to selected security researchers and includes future Parrot drone models. The expertise and diverse skills of the researchers will confirm the high level of security of the products before they are marketed, for the greater benefit of Parrot users' security and the protection of their data.

After this first phase in a private Bug Bounty program, and after being commercialized, the products enter a public program. Their security is then examined by the entire YesWeHack community, representing more than 22,000 cybersecurity researchers.