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"With the thermal capabilities of ANAFI Thermal, when we fly over the lava flow, it gives us valuable safety information for the path forward!"

Alain Bertil,


Surface observation

By deploying ANAFI Thermal in a volcanic area, researchers can obtain an aerial view of the area and observe the crater from a whole new angle.

Its implementation also enables complex areas or those congested with vegetation to be observed. An aerial shot enables therefore to remove the congestion and provide a general view of the situation.

ANAFI’s x3 zoom and the ability to tilt the camera 180° help to gather unparalleled shots and get a precise picture of the situation.


Discovering the fauna

The thermal sensor provided by ANAFI Thermal can be used to observe cave fauna and therefore identify life in the night environment.

The thermal signature of animals is easily detectable by ANAFI Thermal. Offering more in-depth exploration and providing new data to scientists.


Exploring internal flows

Internal flows correspond to fluid lava moving beneath the surface of the earth. These phenomena are impossible to observe with the naked eye or using a standard electro-optical camera.

By using ANAFI Thermal, with its FLIR thermographic camera, it becomes possible to observe these underground flows. In addition to monitoring the progress of the flows, the thermal sensor also allows precise measurement of the temperature of the lava.


Measuring the heat

Equipped with a thermographic sensor, ANAFI Thermal carries out precise temperature readings, which improve the situational knowledge of operators.

The movement of the lava and flows can be precisely tracked, allowing scientists to determine how dangerous the eruption is.

The changing temperature of the lava is a crucial element in the evaluation of an eruption.


Going beyond your immediate environment

Volcanic eruptions cause large clouds of smoke and significant visual congestion. In such a situation, it is often complex and dangerous to deploy teams on the ground in the middle of lava flows, without having a good overview of their environment.

By using ANAFI Thermal and by having aerial views, one can now overcome these constraints and observe the area as a whole. ANAFI Thermal has a range of 4 km.

This makes it possible to observe the flows as a whole and to gain the height needed to obtain a general view and determine the routes of passage of the lava.


Time control

Quickly deployable and a personal tool for scientists, ANAFI Thermal has the ability to provide teams with a precise picture of the situation in just a few moments.

This allows volcanologists to obtain data in record time, without depending on external resources.

Lowering costs

Using ANAFI Thermal means just one investment. Unlike the use of a helicopter, which represents a significant expense each time, the ANAFI Thermal can be used multiple times at no additional cost.

Any take-off by a helicopter constitutes a cost much higher than the purchase cost of ANAFI Thermal.


Reducing your logistical footprint

Compact and easily transportable, ANAFI Thermal does not require additional logistical resources for its implementation.

There's no need for a heavy and expensive device to observe the scene. This flying camera suffice to itslef for a precise and detailed image of the area.

Its very light weight makes its transport particularly easy, an important criteria, particularly for complex explorations.

In addition, to observe lava tunnels, which are difficult to access, sending ANAFI Thermal ahead of human teams provides an accurate initial situational overview and removes the need to deploy a heavy and expensive logistical system.


Accessing new data

Thanks to its x3 zoom and thermal sensor, ANAFI provides scientific teams with new data and enables them to get as close as possible to lava flows and craters. It's also an amazing way to identify the presence of living beings and observe their behaviour in this environment. 

By observing flows invisible to the naked eye, the researcher can complement their data. Finally, the precision of the thermal sensor coupled with the mobility offered by the drone makes it possible to observe lava flows over long distances, as well as in areas that are difficult to access.


A suitable and precise system

Using ANAFI Thermal, a personal tool that doesn't require a dedicated person for its implementation, allows the set up of a human operation adapated to the situation. Only the essential personnel are therefore deployed.

The easy and intuitive handling of ANAFI Thermal means the tool is quickly mastered, without the need to train each operator for a long time.


Securing the mission

ANAFI Thermal's aerial shots provide complete control of the work environment by rapidly identifying the dangerous zones linked to the scientific mission. 

Thanks to this information, the exposure of personnel to risks is completely controlled. ANAFI Thermal can be sent to lava tunnels to determine their depth, before deploying human teams. 

Finally, the drone's resistance to high temperatures and volcanic environments make it an ideal tool for explorations in extreme environments.


Analysing the data

With the range of compatible software and by collecting multiple visual data, using ANAFI Thermal offers precise and advanced analysis elements of the eruptive event and its evolution. These elements obviously serve to illustrate scientific reports very usefully.

In addition, ANAFI Thermal's shots can be combined with IGN type geographic maps, for the best possible contextualisation of the data.

All of the data collected from ANAFI Thermal provides vital information about the current situation. Knowing the temperature of the flows is therefore an essential element in determining the typology of the eruption and predicting its evolution.


View live

Connected to its control station (smartphone or tablet), ANAFI Thermal offers a real-time aerial visualisation of the situation and its development.

These shots can be shared instantly and form the solid basis of any exchange between the different operators working to manage the volcanic episode.

Permanent monitoring of the evolution of temperatures provides the best clues for understanding and trying to predict the evolution of an eruptive situation.


Anticipating events

Thanks to an in-depth analysis of the data collected in flight and regular observation missions, predictive models can then be built on the basis of older volcanic eruptions.

These models enable officials to alert the authorities when the first signs of an eruption are detected.