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European Drone regulation*

General context

1. European regulation

European regulations 2019/947 and 2019/945 set out the framework for the safe flight of civil drones in the European skies. They adopt a risk-based approach, and as such, do not distinguish between leisure or commercial civil drone activities. What they consider is the drone mass, the drone technical specifications and the intended flight.

2. Regulation 2019/947

Regulation (EU) 2019/947 (and its amendments), which is applicable since 31 December 2020 in all European Member States, covers most types of civil drone flights and their level of risk. It defines three categories of drone operations: the ‘open’, the ‘specific’ and the ‘certified’ categories. It gives a framework with detailed provisions for the flight of drones as well as for remote pilots and organizations involved in those flights.

2.1 Open category

Drone flights in the ‘open’ category shall not be subject to any prior operational authorization, nor to an operational declaration by the drone operator before the flight takes place.

The ‘open’ category addresses the lower-risk drone flight, where safety is ensured provided the drone pilot complies with the relevant requirements for its intended flight. This category is subdivided into three subcategories, namely A1, A2 and A3, established on basis of operational limitations, requirements for the remote pilot and technical requirements for drones. Operational risks in the ‘open’ category are considered low and, therefore, no operational authorization is required before starting a flight.


2.2 Specific & Certified

Not flying into Open category involves flying specific or certified categories. 
What are specific and certified categories?

Specific: Flights in the ‘specific’ category should cover other types of flights presenting a higher risk and for which a thorough risk assessment should be conducted to indicate which requirements are necessary to keep the flight safe.

Certified: Flights in the ‘certified’ category should, as a principle, be subject to rules on certification of the remote pilot, and the licensing of remote pilots, in addition to the certification of the drone pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945


For specific and certified categories, remote pilots will need member states authorization. To obtain such permissions, Parrot can provide support by providing templates and information regarding SORA models, PDRA templates, technical drone compliant certificates, ….


Open category

1. EU planning

From the 1st January 2024, the regulation 2019/947 is fully applicable.
Depending on technical drone capabilities and class marking compliance, the flying rules for remote pilots will differ.


2. Global overview of Open category flying rules

Those rules apply for all drones flying in the open category (legacy drones, new class marked drones introduced in the market, retrofitted drones, …):

  • Keep the drone in visual line of sight
  • Always monitor the flight environment and immediately cease the flight in the event of a risk of collision with another drone, or in the event of danger to people on the ground
  • Be able to regain control of the drone at any time if it is in automatic mode
  • Keep the drone below 120m in height
  • Not perform flights under the influence of psychoactive substances or alcohol
  • Fly only in local/national authorized areas (referenced on Geoportail in France) and check any additional local regulation on National Aviation Authorities’ official websites (refer to Bibliography). In France, flights over public space in built-up areas are prohibited without prior declaration. Flights in private space are authorized in built-up areas, with a maximum height corresponding to the horizontal distance between the drone and the property boundary
  • Do not fly in the event of temporary or permanent flight restrictions: regulated, prohibited or dangerous areas (referenced on the SIA website for French territory)



For any other operations (beyond line of sight, above 120m, vehicle tracking, …) that do not respect the items listed above, the specific or certified categories apply. National authorities’ authorizations are requested.


From 1st January 2024, non-marked ANAFI, ANAFI THERMAL, ANAFI USA and ANAFI Ai models can fly under the open subcategory A3.


Flying rules:

  • Do not fly over uninvolved people during the entire flight and keep away from people
  • Keep a safe horizontal distance of at least 150 meters from residential, commercial, industrial or recreational areas
  • If an uninvolved person enters the range of the drone operation, the remote pilot should, where necessary, adjust the flight to ensure the safety of the uninvolved person and discontinue the flight if the safety of the drone operation is not ensured


Remote pilot’s competencies:

  • Be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions
  • Complete an online training course and obtain online theoretical knowledge examination provided by the national competent authority available (refer to Bibliography). In France, create an account on Fox AlphaTango portal
  • Be at least 16 years or operate under the direct supervision of a trained remote pilot. However, check with the local National Aviation Authority, as they can lower the minimum age requirement


Administrative aspect:


  • Register as drone operator on the National Aviation Authority portal. In France, create an account on AlphaTango) and get the drone operator registration number
  • Display on the drone, the operator registration number (sticker)
  • Be able to show administrative paper in case of authority control: drone examination certificate, identity card, extract of the drone operator registration

* The content of the drone regulations below is offered only as public general information. This does not provide legal advice of any kind, and Parrot cannot guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. This should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed or authorized to practice in your jurisdiction. You should always consult a suitably qualified attorney regarding any specific legal problem or matter.